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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Will Power?

We all know the Christmas season is full of eggnog, cookies, and other wonderfully fattening dishes that we would like to indulge in, but the thing that has always frustrated me is the flaky, unrealistic goals that each New Year brings.  As I spent all of December indoors to work out due to an unfortunate stress fracture, I watched the number of people at my work out facility dwindle as the month went on.  This did not surprise me, but it disappointed me.  If AP English has taught me anything (which, of course, it has), it taught me perseverance and the fact that we must work for what we gain.  I knew that, the split second it became January 1, 2011, many Americans would "turn a leaf" and begin their diets and work out plans all over again.  But how true is this "leaf?"  Now, I do not condemn these people for wanting a fresh start, but I learned through AP English that we must persevere through the difficult times, as the holidays may be for these people.  Also, I learned that one cannot start at the end.  We would not be where we are today as writers and students if it weren't for those multiple unfinished essays and the scary grouped up desks and the violent graded discussions.  Those who have a New Year's Resolution to be fit and active must take a realistic approach and not bog down the work out facility if they can't work the machines there.  Thankfully, I have persevered through my doctor-ordered 4 weeks off of running and am able to avoid the work out facility as much as possible.

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