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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Unnecessary Nerves

As it so happens, I have nerves today.  In fact, I believe everyone does.  Not only had I been nervous for my biology test, I was nervous that my nerves for something else would cause me to do badly.  My nerves for running the mile time trial today threatened to take over.  Even more so, they threatened my biology grade.  As I continued to think over these nerves (because that'll make them go away...), I realized that they were completely self-fabricated.  I knew I was only nervous for biology because of my time trial.  I knew I was only nervous for my time trial because I made myself nervous.  I mean, this is a pre-pre-season run! Who cares about it other than me? No one.  I keep telling myself this, but I continue to have nerves.  Right as these butterflies in my stomach were really starting to get to me, I found that they were more necessary than I realized.  These nerves help me push myself to do my best and if I didn't do that, no one else would take up the job for me.  My biology test and the test in my mile will only go as well depending on how hard I push myself to do them.  Maybe nerves, seemingly obnoxious and unnecessary at first will help me after all.

Me and Myself  :

1 comment:

  1. I agree that when you stop feeling nervous is when you stop caring about your performance, whether in sports or academics. However, I disagree that feeling nervous is really necessary or beneficial. I think it is possible to perform well without nerves, but they certainly help in terms of short term motivation. For long term, career-oriented motivation though, they cannot really help. It's impossible to get nervous in the way you describe (butterflies, etc.) about your long-term future. You cannot rely on nervousness to help you succeed in every facet of life. At some point, your intrinsic motivation needs to take over and push you to greatness.
